Me: So it says that Shibas are the most wolflike of all dogs.
Tierce: Really.
Me: Yep. You’re as genetically close to a wolf as it’s possible to be without actually breeding with one.
Tierce: If you’re expecting me to hunt for the dinner table, you’re going to be sadly disappointed.
Me: It’s just an interesting fact.
Tierce: Well, you’re interested in all sorts of boring shit.
Me: Says the dog who thinks it’s a delicacy.
Tierce: Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.
Me: You are disgusting.
Tierce: Shaking your fist at me will not change my opinion.
Me: I’m not shaking my fist at you! I’m suppressing my gag reflex.
Tierce: Like that’ll do anything.
Me: You know, genetic similarity works both ways.
Tierce: And?
Me: Well, like wolf behaviour reveals interesting facts about dog behaviour, your behaviour reveals fascinating things about wolf behaviour.
Tierce: Such as?
Me: Wolves are assholes.