1. this is incredibly upsetting. i have a usda license for exhibition not breeding. in other words i have exotics and i get inspections that are a complete surprise annually. if my facility was .05% as bad or my animals .01% as ill cared for as the ones in this report my inspector would kick my ass. i cannot believe that these people are not receiving bribes to look the other way when they do their inspections. it is shameful and the inspectors should also be held accountable when they allow animals to suffer in these

  2. this is incredibly upsetting. i have a usda license for exhibition not breeding. in other words i have exotics and i get inspections that are a complete surprise annually. if my facility was .05% as bad or my animals .01% as ill cared for as the ones in this report my inspector would kick my ass. i cannot believe that these people are not receiving bribes to look the other way when they do their inspections. it is shameful and the inspectors should also be held accountable when they allow animals to suffer in these ways.

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