At Tierce’s Doghouse, we’ve received some amazing stuff… people on the TMS Facebook page know that Tierce won the Dirtiest Dog category in a contest hosted by a certain Jewel Inu for her birthday. Jewel is a spokesdog for NW Shibas4LIfe Rescue and works very hard at helping needy Shibas. In fact, you should like NW Shibas4LIfe Rescue’s Facebook page right now!
Here’s the photo that started it all. We’re not quite sure how Tierce managed to decorate himself as cleverly as he did, but everyone was mighty impressed with the results!
Here you can see the awesome ‘My Wish Is Your Command’ magnet holding up a hand drawn Shiba card and a picture of Tierce and his friend Apollo.
To Tierce’s great disgust, he was not allowed to partake in the other prize we won. Jewel and Mali Ki really know how to throw a party!
The next thing that came in the mail was… interesting. I found it on Etsy and had to buy it. I call it…
It’s kind of disturbing. Which is why I bought it.
Nookie would walk 100 mile to avoid a mud puddle