Well, people were hoping for more to the story and we got something for you! Matthew Petronis was kind enough to tell me (Julie) a little more about his adventures with Yuki:
When you stopped to help Yuki, was it hard to catch her? The news stories mentioned ‘help from some ironworkers’, so I imagine that it might have been a bit of a chase to corral her.
Cross the Brooklyn Bridge on a normal day, just imagine how bad it was when we had to stop all cars to save this poor little pup. She was very quick so we trailed her slowly from the beginning to the bridge to about the middle where work was being done and we yelled out to the iron workers to grab her and put her in the truck.
After she warmed up to you, how did you find her behaviour in the home?
She was amazing, she didn’t bark once, and me being the pet lover I am went to the local pet shop to buy her a pink collar, a shirt, and some treats.
How did Yuki’s owners find out about your rescue of her? News, Internet, etc?
I actually was searching for them and came across an email from an ad of a lost shiba inu under the brooklyn bridge two days after we saved her. They never told me how, it was a more of me finding them and then asking them over twenty specific question to make sure it was their dog.
How did Yuki get away from them? Did she live far away from the bridge or close?
The owners told me she came off her collar and ran away and they were from Chinatown.
What about Yuki made you want a Shiba? Are you planning to get one soon?
They are just such an amazing, loving, and mysterious breed. I loved everything about her and it felt as if she loved everything about me from the moment we took her in. She did have a few accidents here and there that I had to clean up, but as for everything else she was amazing. We bought her this medium sized cage which she loved with a little comforter in it. I am planning on getting one as soon as possible. I want a young one so we can name her Brooklyn just like the one we saved and hopefully someone can contact me and give me the chance to save another to have for myself.
Thank you so much, Matthew, for taking the time to share your experience!
We’ve already sent Matthew a link to Jenna and Snickers’ site and the National Shiba Club of America. If you have any other great NYC suggestions for him and his family, let us know in the comments!
New York Shiba Rescue http://nycshibarescue.org/
and http://dcsir.org/
Matthew may also want to join Brad Anderson’s Shiba Inu Forum. Here is the link:
That way he can become part of the larger “Shiba Community”, learn more about Shibas, and have a way to let folks know that he’s looking for a Shiba.