Brushing your Shiba’s Teeth
I don’t brush Tierce’s teeth. I am a bad, evil dog owner. I give my dogs bones and lots of chew toys. It’s not because I think that teeth cleaning is a waste of time – it’s not! But I… Continue Reading
I don’t brush Tierce’s teeth. I am a bad, evil dog owner. I give my dogs bones and lots of chew toys. It’s not because I think that teeth cleaning is a waste of time – it’s not! But I… Continue Reading
There are a number of things that I do or want to do with Tierce, activity-wise. I’m compiling a bunch of things I can do with him that will encourage me to exercise more effectively more often. Walking: This is… Continue Reading
What You Must Learn About the Rabies Vaccine for Dogs A year ago, Tierce got the rabies shot that immediately preceded his first allergic reaction. Now he is still in his cone (much better now, thanks to the Atopica) and… Continue Reading
Dog Massage If it works for humans with tired and strained muscles, it can work for dogs. There have been numerous modes of thought on massage for animals, including TTouch. More YouTube videos on canine massage
Watching Shassi spiral down to the end of her life, this question is of more import to me than would otherwise be the case! According to Norma Hornung’s initial research, it’s around 13-14 years. You can help Norma gather more… Continue Reading
I have not signed Tierce up for pet insurance. One of the reasons is that I’m cheap and think that I can beat the game of Dog Health Roulette. However, I am seriously considering this move. I fully intend to… Continue Reading
Well, so far, we have not seen any lethargy, tarry stools, coughing, aching, stuffy head, so I am pretty sure that the chicken that Tierce got into came out in record time. Speaking of time, it’s shedding season again. I’ve… Continue Reading
Fool that I am, I left some chicken wings alone long enough for Tierce to snag a couple. Agggh! So I phoned the vet and was somewhat reassured to know that most dogs weather accidents like this with no problems.… Continue Reading
During the quest to put up my new bookshelf, I found the laser pointer that I had bought to play with Tierce. I figured that I might as well see if it still worked, so I turned it on. As… Continue Reading