Man charged with sexually abusing Shiba

Man charged with sexually abusing Shiba

Okay, so number 1: I see something like this happen, I would be informing the person involved that I was going to report the abuse via something hard, like my Powerblock dumbbells.  Or maybe a crowbar.  It might be hard for him to understand my intentions while blood is running out of his ears, but I’ll just blame it on PMS.  Or maybe I won’t have to; seriously, would you convict me for caving in the skull of someone doing this kind of shit?

Number 2: Daniel Miller allegedly saw Mitchell Marsicano abusing the dog on October 12, but it wasn’t until October 21 that he reported the abuse.

He said he witnessed Marsicano having sex with the dog on Oct. 12, but that when he told his landlord that he was going to report the abuse, Marsicano threatened him and his roommate with force on several occasions.

What about the first time did not strike Miller as “the worst picture imaginable”?

Number 3: Marsicano didn’t “have sex with” the dog.  “With” implies consensuality.  You can’t “have sex with” someone or something that can’t give informed consent.  He raped the dog.

I suppose Snowball has Miller to thank for his current residence at the Freeport Animal Shelter and for the fact that Marsicano can’t retrieve him, either.  Hopefully the law will ensure that Snowball finds a responsible owner.

There is some question raised as to whether this is a legitimate claim; unfortunately a veterinarian who examined the dog at Nassau Animal Emergency Group confirmed injuries that were consistent with this kind of abuse.

I’ve created a Facebook Group for people interested in Snowball’s case.  Unfortunately, it’s one of the new Groups, which require you to request membership.  I’ll also be covering any updates on the Misanthropic Shiba FB group.

Link to the Justice for Snowball petition.


  1. WTF is wrong with people? His tenants and roommates saw/heard the abuse for 4 effing months and didn’t do anything? Granted, the man looks like a total sick psycho who probably would molest children too, but still, ANONYMOUSLY call the effing cops. Jesus Christ…what a sick fuck and that poor, poor dog. Hopefully it can recover in a loving home.

  2. That's horrifying. I hope Snowball gets a new name and a new home. Hope his injuries aren't permanent. What a piece of raping trash, he definitely needs some crowbar jus

  3. This piece of trash deserves nothing more from us. He is done. As are the people who knew about this and did nothing.

    Wishes that Snowball can learn to trust again.

  4. That's horrifying. I hope Snowball gets a new name and a new home. Hope his injuries aren't permanent. What a piece of raping trash, he definitely needs some crowbar justice.

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