Friends, Shibas, Internet peoples, lend me your eyes… I am in a program called BusinessWorks, learning how to create my own business. Basically what it does is crush your dreams and show you how to build a realistic business proposal/plan out of the broken pieces.
Part of this program involves surveying target markets to see if a business plan is viable or not. One of my target markets is breeders/pet businesses/pet services with an Internet presence who need writing done to maintain said presence on the Internet. So I, with my awesome web skillz, made a survey on Please pass this on to your breeder friends/pet supply pals/dog business buddies!
Survey!!! Right here!!! Bright, Shiny Survey!!!
If you’re a breeder, own a pet business or are a pet service provider, I would so very much appreciate it if you filled this out. I need 25 surveys filled out to complete this part of the course and more are encouraged. Also:
1) I’m not selling anything (yet).
2) All the survey information is completely anonymous if you so desire. I have a spot where you can put your name and contact information (and, admittedly, BusinessWorks likes that) but don’t feel you have to in order to be helpful.
3) I have cute Shibas….
4) My undying thanks… THANK YOU!
5) Did I mention the cute dogs?
Okay, never mind the cute dogs.