Shiba Inu Breeders

Responsible Breeders

  • have clean kennels and facilities
  • are happy for people to come to see the kennels (with an appointment)
  • register their dogs with a recognized, reputable registry body
  • are members in good standing with their breed club
  • test their breeding dogs clear of known genetic problems in the breed
  • refuse to breed or to sell for breeding, a dog proven to harbour a genetic defect.
  • keep happy, clean dogs who are amenable to being greeted while their owner is nearby
  • have their dogs evaluated by others through competition events
  • screen owners of pet dogs as thoroughly as show dogs
  • have contracts that outline the responsibilities and requirements of both breeder and owner
  • take back dogs of their breeding, at any time, for any reason
  • will not sell a puppy to impulse purchasers
  • will not sell a puppy as a “surprise gift”
  • do not market puppies as holiday gifts

Irresponsible Breeders

  • have filthy kennels and facilities
  • don’t want people to see the kennels – ever
  • have exceptionally fearful or vicious breeding dogs
  • don’t register their dogs or register them with bogus registries
  • do not test their breeding dogs clear of known hereditary diseases of the breed
  • knowingly breed dogs with hereditary problems
  • do not screen potential owners
  • pressure people to buy pups on impulse
  • will not take puppies of their breeding back if they don’t work out in their new homes
  • promote their puppies as status symbols, holiday gifts or fashionable accessories

A responsible breeder is someone who puts their dog’s health and welfare ahead of their ego. The pursuit of breeding should be driven by the desire to produce better dogs.

The problem with breeding “just pets” is that there are too many dogs on this planet already. There are too many Shibas with health and/or temperament problems to make the production of more in any way justifiable.

For the person “just looking for a pet”, the intense drive that dedicated breeders have to produce the best Shibas possible may seem a little alien. However, these are the people who keep the breed looking and acting like Shibas.

If you’re looking for a Shiba, then you want a healthy Shiba who is going to look and act like one. You don’t want an incurably shy dog or one with painful and expensive knee problems.

Shiba inus are prone to eye problems, hip dysplasia, and luxating patellas (slipping knee caps). Epilepsy has been noted in some lines. Temperament problems, especially shyness and fear-biting are common in poorly bred specimens.

Which defects one tests for depends on the breed of dog one is testing. Some tests, like X-raying for joint problems, can’t be done until the dog is 18-24 months old. However, once the dog is ‘of age’, the test is usually considered “good” for the rest of the dog’s life. Some tests, such as the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) test for glaucoma and cataracts, have to be repeated every year to be considered valid.


  1. I have been looking for a shiba for a long time but am having trouble finding one. Do you have a few places you know of where i could get one.


    • Tim, sukoshi’s mom said it all. It can take some time to find a good Shiba. It helps if you’re more specific; have you been unable to find breeders with litters? Are rescues in your area Shiba-free? (o happy day!) Or are you having trouble finding the right breeder? For Dog’s sake, don’t go to a pet shop or someone advertising Shibas with no health testing – it’s worth it to find the right source.

  2. Tim-
    You didn’t say where you live. Look at the Shiba Club and Standards section on the right of the website. The Clubs usually maintain lists of breeders. Also look at the Rescues section on the right. Choose the appropriate Rescue to see what Shibas that Rescue may have. Let the breeder or Rescue know about your interest in a Shiba. In many instances, they will take an application and keep it on file if there isn’t an immediate “fit” in terms of dog. Also, if you have a Shiba Meetup in your area, join the Meetup. Sometimes Meetup members know of available dogs. Our Meetup recently helped find homes for two Shibas.

  3. Hi I live in the Nanaimo area and have a female shiba that I would like to breed, I have been searching and searching for a stud…to no avail. Can anyone help?

    • First of all, is your female tested clear of hip dysplasia, luxating patellas and eye problems? These are things that a responsible stud owner looks for when considering breeding requests. There are a number of Shiba breeders on the Island with stud dogs, but they want to ensure that the pups their dogs sire have the best chance in life of being healthy and good representatives of the breed.

      Second, have you been showing your girl in conformation? This is where you will meet other Shiba owners and breeders who you can connect with. Showing also gives you a good idea of what good points and faults your dog has and how they can be complemented by the right stud dog.

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