The poster at right is one of the entries (not mine!) in the Love, Hate, Propaganda Contest at
From the website:
The contest is open to secondary & post-secondary students in the following age groups:
14-17 years of age.
Poster or video category.
18 years of age & over.
Poster or video category.
Your poster or video can include a slogan or a catchy phrase but it does not necessarily have to. The important thing is that it conveys a message. You can use photos, moving images, graphics, illustrations, sounds, and music to support your message but only if you have created them.
Participants must reside in Canada and be at least 14 years of age before the closing date of the contest on March 12, 2010. Employees of CBC and their immediate family (father/mother, brother/sister, son/daughter) or persons living under the same roof are not eligible to enter this contest.
This is a great project for young animal lovers to promote animal welfare with a poster or a video. Find out more here.