About TMS

Shassi is the original Misanthropic Shiba.  She was born on August 27, 1993.  Her registered name is Sunojo’s Aka Shasta.

Shassi really screwed with my head.  Up to then, I was used to collie and Lab-type dogs who simply lived to obey commands and fawn over any available human.  So not Shassi.  We felt privileged if she deigned to acknowledge us when we came home.  As for obedience – hah.  That was something for the other dogs to have fun with; not Shassi. She got along with our dogs and cats, but animals outside the family circle were not so honoured.

Tierce is the heir apparent.  He was born on March 30th, 2007.  His registered name is Anautuk’s Game of Tierce.

Tierce is from Sunojo parents, so he is a little bit linked to Shassi.  However, he is so different, it’s amazing.  He is very sociable with people and other dogs.  He is definitely a Shiba, though, and thinks he is all that and a bag of kibble.  Tierce enjoys playing with his Kong and going for walks to the seawall.  He also has a number of canine friends he plays with when the opportunity affords itself.

Follow Tierce on Twitter TiercetheShiba

Tierce’s Facebook Page Tierce MacTire


  1. I have new Shiba Puppy whos 10 weeks and she seemed healthy at first and would sleep quietly through the night. Just recently she has been wailing through the night and keeping everyone up and throwing up. We dont really know what to do. Some advice would be greatly needed and appreciated. Thanks, Nikki Fallon

    • Hi, Nikki, I agree with sukoshi’s mom and urge you to take your girl to the vet. An abrupt change in behaviour can mean an injury or illness that can be serious if left to its own devices. Good luck!

  2. You may need to take her to the vet and have her looked at. She may have something bothering her that isn’t that apparent at first. Think about her schedule, what you are giving her to eat. How often does she go out to potty during the night? Does she shake her head a lot (might she have ear infection) ? etc. Look for a pattern, if there is one.

  3. I have a Sunojo Shiba as well (Sunojo’s Kitsune Nami Go), and love her more and more each day. Her ‘brother’ is a Shiba from Akanami Shibas on the East coast, and they’re partners in crime.

    Love your site!!

    • Awesome! I love Sunojo Kennels – Susan is one of the greatest mentors ever. She’s been there for all of Shassi’s life and for Tierce’s. I credit her guidance for a lot of the solutions for Tierce’s early dominance aggression, which is now completely redirected towards his Kong, his beef stick and the various pillows that have received the brunt of his attacks when he’s excited about something 😀

  4. Thanks for the wonderful review of “Nicholas, you are ridiculous!” – made my day. Also for bringing to my attention the fact that my website was not loading – it will be corrected tomorrow.

    News: I’ve just uploaded my video of a reading of Nicholas on Youtube, search for Nicholas you are ridiculous, or Shiba puppy story!

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